DILLON ON FILM Should Adrian Brody and Felicity Jones have potential Oscar nominations revoked? Simon Dillon · Follow Published in Fanfare · 4 min read · Just now — The Brutalist. Credit: A24 News that Oscar favourite The Brutalist features AI-enhanced audio performances will doubtless add fuel to the controversial fire regarding artificial intelligence in filmmaking. Upon hearing Adrian Brody and Felicity Jones had their Hungarian accents tweaked by AI tools, some people on social media insist they should be disqualified from award nominations. In an interview with Red Shark News , The Brutalist ’s editor, Dávid Jancsó, claims the Hungarian dialects are too difficult for non-Hungarians performers to nail. At first, he and director Brady Corbet considered ADR (Additional Dialogue Replacement) from the actors. Then, they considered dubbing […]
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