This School Will Have Artificial Intelligence Teach Kids (With Some Human Help)

This School Will Have Artificial Intelligence Teach Kids (With Some Human Help)

1 min read

iStock/Getty Artificial intelligence is at the foreground of an Arizona online charter school slated to open in the fall, with teachers taking on the role of guides and mentors rather than content experts. Unbound Academy was approved by the state school board last month , with enrollments beginning in January. The school’s model, which will prioritize AI in its delivery of core academics, is part of a continuing evolution of using AI technology in classrooms. But as the technology becomes more prevalent, so too does the conflict of determining how schools can use it to enhance offerings and downsize workloads, without risking replacing teachers . The nation’s two largest teachers’ unions have already begun to grapple with AI’s growing involvement in the nation’s classrooms, issuing guidance and guardrails around […]

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