The Power of Artificial Noses

The Power of Artificial Noses

1 min read

The Power of Artificial Noses Daniel Ince-Cushman · Follow 3 min read · Just now AI may be able to smell an extraordinary amount of things in the near future The AI Nose Knows: How Artificial Intelligence is Revolutionizing the World of Smell In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, our five senses have gradually been augmented by machines. Sight and sound were the early adopters, with cameras and microphones becoming omnipresent extensions of human perception. Touch followed, as haptic feedback brought new dimensions to digital interactions. Taste, perhaps mercifully, remains unchallenged. But the sense of smell, long considered enigmatic and elusive, has recently found its champion in the form of the AI nose. What Is an AI Nose? The AI nose, or electronic nose, represents a technological breakthrough that […]

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